Happy Fall!

Wow! Halfway through November already. I can’t believe how quickly time goes. Thanksgiving will be here next week with the craziness of the holidays not far behind. Despite the Indiana dreariness, this is one of my favorite times of the year – and not for the shopping. More so to remind me that I have many things to be grateful for in my life, and at the forefront of that my beautiful, talented 5-year-old ball of fire. He reminds me every day of the important things in life. I love him to the moon and back! ๐Ÿ™‚

It’s amazing how quickly things can change, and you just never know what life will throw at you. In the last month I took the risk leaving a position I loved at my university for a new position that holds a lot of potential for me. While I think it will be a good fit, navigating unfamiliar territory is always a challenge. I miss my pharmacy family the most, but new opportunities are on the horizon and I find that to be exciting. Most of all, the potential to write more is at my fingertips, and that makes the losses worth it.

In true fashion of our good Lord, an article showed up in my inbox today that was just what I needed during this emotional roller coaster ride. I encourage you to check this post out. ย This very insightful article was a great reminder of why I do what I do each day…because honestly, sometimes I forget.

I haven’t focused much on my writing today, but there are exciting things in the works. My first academic article was published in AJHP last week – you can find it by searching ‘Linn’ on pubmed. I have a second in the peer-review process, and I am in the infancy stages of developing a series that will be targeted at healthcare professionals. In addition, my first novel will be available on Amazon before the end of the year. Exciting stuff…stay tuned for the results! ๐Ÿ™‚

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